Friday, May 10, 2013

It's working!

So that whole diet and exercise business apparently works. Not only am I feeling better (duh), but I lost a few more pounds. Since I started this blog, I'm down 14 pounds. Kinda crazy. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've not eaten at home in the last three weeks. Got a nice little routine going and even decided to add the extra fun of doing the shake weight while I watch TV. Since the added bonus of our new place is a full length mirror, I'm planning to post regular photo updates of my progress. Not ready for those sports bra and work out pants photos quite yet, believe me, no one wants to see that nonsense, but fully clothed, sure! Enjoy!

Friday, May 3, 2013

The 30 day challenge

Every day, I seem to be getting closer and closer to turning 30 with not a lot of forward momentum here. Despite all good intentions to do this project, I appear to be on a repeat of lame excuses and mild enthusiasm. Things in my every day world have changed slightly. 1. I'm now living with quite possibly the most positive and motivating human being I know (Afro Dave). 2. My work schedule seems to have opened up some time to allow for commitment to whatever I see fit. And 3. I'm happier mentally with what I'm doing for a living. All three of these items listed are literally in my face, letting me know that there is no reason not to move onward. Living with Dave has certainly allowed for some lifestyle changes, specifically in the getting healthy department. I'm now eating breakfast every day (which has always been very difficult for me to do), and eating at home WAY more than usual. I've been cooking for the both of us (I know, who am I right now?!) and that has really pushed me to make some better choices. Dave is consistently trying to help me with eliminating smoking from my day to day, and helped me get a deal with LA fitness to get my membership back. There are so many positives around me right now, all pointing me in the right direction. Since I teach goal setting in the classroom, I've been really trying to practice what I'm preaching. I've written and rewritten down my bigger life goals, my short term goals, and now my one month goal.

Here is my 30 Day Challenge to myself. I will, for the month of May, commit to working out EVERY day, eat 6 smaller meals (under 300 calories), and take a break from all distractions in my personal life. No dating, no nonsense, and make this month all about taking care of myself first. Dave said something pretty profound to me last night that really won't stop floating around my head. He asked me if opportunity came knocking tomorrow if I would be ready for it. The answer was no. Why am I wasting time when I should be taking any and every step to work closer to my goals, to be ready for that moment? I'm not where I want to be physically or mentally at this point, and I'm the only one who can change that.

I'm so lucky and grateful to have friends who want to see me become the me I'm supposed to be. This journey has to be about me, and has to be because I want to have a healthier and happier life. Every single day is an opportunity to make things better, and I'm going to take full advantage of that.