Sunday, September 2, 2012

The true test.

Anyone who knows me (or my mother) knows that when the two of us are together, we like to eat. It seems like all of the times in the past that one of us has made an effort to lose weight, it was made all the more difficult by one of us not being ready for it. So, after two weeks of this health kick, I knew the true test of my "stickwithit-ness" would be the arrival of my mother for Labor Day weekend. My mother is my best friend. Not in a sad, I have no other friends kind of way, but rather in the she's the most kick ass person I know kind of way. I want her to get healthy with me. So, when she got here, the first thing I did was make her download the My Fitness Pal app (lindakaymorrison, look her up-she needs friends to encourage her too). Then, I made us a healthy lunch and we went to the pool. We didn't just lay around in the pool like blobs getting sunburned. We actually swam. For almost an hour and a half, we kept our bodies moving. It was awesome. Today, we woke up and did it all over again. Plus, we added a few hours of shopping, which has to have burned off a calorie or two-or maybe not... Either way, I'm proud of both of us.

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